
Life.Church wants to make a lasting difference in your life, in our community, and in the world.

Our mission is to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. That’s how we’re able to make a difference, and it’s the driving force behind everything we do.
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Your Life

Wherever you are in life, you matter and you have a purpose. We want to help you become the person God has created you to be. Your journey has a next step and we’ll help you find it. It could start with serving, finding God’s vision for your life, giving, or joining us regularly.
You don’t have to take the next step alone. With a strong community of friends, you can laugh, grow, and serve with people who genuinely care about you. Find a small group, or LifeGroup, to join you on your journey.

Our Achievement!

New parishioners
Open churches
Sermon of the Year
Saved souls

Your Family

Strong families start with solid foundations. That’s why we partner with parents to help raise the next generation to become followers of Christ.

Your children and teens have opportunities throughout the week to grow relationships with each other and with God.


About Billy Graham

Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but occasionally circumstances occur in which toil. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it?
But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure.

We’re passionate about creating music that encourages awesome people to pursue a relationship with Jesus.

Billy Graham




How do you explain Jesus and His authority from Billy Graham.

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Church white Glove

Church white Glove

How do you explain Jesus and His authority from Billy Graham.

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How do you explain Jesus and His authority from Billy Graham.

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Holy Bible

Holy Bible

How do you explain Jesus and His authority from Billy Graham.

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Donate Sermons

Donate Sermons

How do you explain Jesus and His authority from Billy Graham.

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How do you explain Jesus and His authority from Billy Graham.

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To Worship God and Equip The Saints For Ministry.


How Can We Help?

If you’re wondering what camera equipment you’ll need, how to launch services online, or how hosting works, we have answers!

What equipment do I need?

To start running services, you’ll need a phone or camera to film sermon content, a streaming provider, and the Church Online Platform.
In the meantime, I hope you will secure you and your friends into our flagship Sydney room or Online. We love you and covet your prayers as we plan and prepare.

How much does the Platform?

The Church Online Platform was built by Life.Church and is offered free to other churches. All support, feature releases.

In the meantime, I hope you will secure you and your friends into our flagship Sydney room or Online. We love you and covet your prayers as we plan and prepare.

What staffing do I need?

Churches run online services with a variety of paid and volunteer teams. The staffing you need depends on your goals of online.
In the meantime, I hope you will secure you and your friends into our flagship Sydney room or Online. We love you and covet your prayers as we plan and prepare.

Rebuild, renovate, restore

Churches run online services with a variety of paid and volunteer teams. The staffing you need depends on your goals of online.
In the meantime, I hope you will secure you and your friends into our flagship Sydney room or Online. We love you and covet your prayers as we plan and prepare.

How quickly can I start?

Churches can begin running services online fairly quickly. Many churches using the Church Online Platform started online ministry.
In the meantime, I hope you will secure you and your friends into our flagship Sydney room or Online. We love you and covet your prayers as we plan and prepare.

Faith for the future?

To start running services, you’ll need a phone or camera to film sermon content, a streaming provider, and the Church Online Platform.

If you’ve been thinking about starting online church services for a while, or you’re feeling the pressure to launch quickly.